Frequently Asked Questions


The transformation you’ll experience:

  • Quickly break through stubborn and persistent roadblocks in the way of your goals and highest potential.
  • Inspired clarity around the changes you need to make in your leadership and life to create your most desired results.
  • Your very own Immunity to Change map, which will be your new guide as you navigate and master transformational change.
  • An established and repeatable strategy to ground your leadership in LOVE instead of FEAR.

Our approach to coaching is a process of remembering who you are and reinventing yourself all at the same time. With a keen focus on accelerated growth and results, we help you make significant changes in a short period of time. That said, there are a number of differentiators that make our coaching process so much more life-changing for entrepreneurs and high-achievers.

You will get the change you’re looking for, permanently. This is not meant to be a forever engagement, we are here to help you solve whatever you’ve defined is holding you back.


There are thousands of coaching approaches but ours is backed by actual evidence of delivering results. What else would you expect from a PhD?


We’re working with you so that’s what we’ll do. There’s no audience here so you’re free to show up completely in order to do the real work.

We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee because we stand behind everything we do.

How many things have you tried already? Therapy, retreats, mindset coaches, meditation courses, self-improvement books.

How much has this cost you in missed opportunities or making sub-optimal decisions? Hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What will this roadblock continue to cost you? Money, relationships… love.

The 6-month Executive Coaching or Executive Integration Programs are a personalized, life-transforming experience that delivers <strong>accelerated results</strong> for high-achievers so you can break through stubborn roadblocks and master change to create the life you desire.

The investment is definitely not cheap. You can find cheap options by looking through self-help books on Amazon. If you’re done with tinkering and want results so that you don’t need ANY MORE programs, courses, books, inspiration, then let’s chat.

The Evolved Executive

An essential blueprint for designing a vibrant, cutting-edge organization – leading from love not fear.

“This book is a must-read for any leader or executive who comes to work daily knowing there is a better and more purpose-derived way to serve the people who serve our patients and other customers. The quiet and not-so-quiet desperation for a different path so absent from today’s disconnected workplaces is the subject of this book. It is written with heart from a leader with a heart…who has seen this type of leadership done well and also lived through/alongside the opposite. It is my hope that this practical body of work will become THE way we lead and that we will do so unabashedly and even proudly. It will make a difference in our health: mind, body, and soul.”

Jandel T. Allen-Davis, MD

VP, Government, External Relations and Research, Kaiser Permanente